Archive for the 'Pick Something Here' Category

Exxpedition Britain Circumnavigation 2017

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July 22, 2017 posted by Diane

July 22, 2017

Sea DragonExxpedition Round Britain is an all women mission to circumnavigate Great Britain, sampling the waters for plastics and toxins as we go. We have crew from all over the world and our mission starts on August 7, 2017. Follow our adventures here as I Skipper the boat on a one month adventure starting and finishing in Plymouth England.

Flares and Fire Fighting Training!

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December 20, 2016 posted by Diane

December 20, 2016



Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to fire flares, service your lifejacket, cut away your rig, put out fires and much more.  You don’t need to go offshore to benefit from this course…….  Click on the poster to learn more and register.


RORC Transatlantic Complete!

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December 18, 2016 posted by Diane

December 18, 2016

What an amazing trip!  Squalls, drifters, dolphins and NO TRADE WINDS!  What an adventure we had.  It was a great adventure and our crew learned tons along the way.  Thanks RORC for all the excitement.  Click here to read more.

To join us on our next adventure click here to learn more.


RORC Transatlantic

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November 25, 2016 posted by Diane

November 25, 2016

We’re off tomorrow on the RORC Transatlantic! Racing from the Canary Islands to Grenada. Follow us on Challenger with the tracker and see you on the other side! Woohoo!!! Adventure begins 🙂



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November 2, 2016 posted by Diane

November 2, 2016

Follow us on Challenger as we follow the Vendee Globe solo racers as far as the Canary Islands. Then follow us on Challenger in the RORC Transatlantic race!


Exxpedition Water Sampling

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August 20, 2016 posted by Diane


August 20, 2016

Exxpedition Great Lakes

Largest simultaneous water sampling ever happened today throughout the entire great lakes and I had the privilege of skippering the lead boat on Lake Ontario!.  Check out what we found…..

plastics trawl

We trawled around Toronto Island and through the inner harbour with this behind us!

plastics tuning

The trawl had to be dragged from 2-3 knots and needed tweaking all along the way.  Not a difficult job…just a hands on job.

plastics bio stuff

Here are the things you would like to find.  Lady bugs, larvae and other little critters.


Here are the things you don’t want to find.  Plastic pieces.  These are good sized ones.  Next the water samples go off to the lab for analysis and we will find out how many micro pieces that are smaller than they eye, but tasty food bits clogging up our ecosystem!


Sea Survival In Ontario

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March 5, 2016 posted by Diane

Welcome to a new day in staying safe at sea.  Sail Canada has raised the bar by becoming part of the internationally accredited World Sailing Sea Survival program.  This is the ticket you need not only to stay safe if you are cruising or racing, but it’s the ticket you need to be able to do many races around the world.  If you ever need to get into a liferaft, put out a fire or save send off a flare to save your life, you will be better educated for it by taking the World Sailing Sea Survival.  Check out some pictures of the new Canadian Instructors!

Flares IMG_4464 IMG_4470 IMG_4454 hacksaw IMG_20160228_141221 IMG_4572 IMG_4537 IMG_4531 IMG_4524 IMG_4505

Sea Survival

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February 29, 2016 posted by Diane

Speaking of Sea Survival….. Out on the west coast I’m becoming a World Sailing Sea Survival Instructor. Soon you will be able to further your education at National One Design Sailing Academy to get your Sea Survival certification. Learn how and WHEN to get into a liferaft, everything your mother didn’t teach you about flares and how to safeguard yourself from dangers of the unknown. Today’s lesson…flares and rig cutting

Flares hacksaw

Crew Allocation

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May 21, 2015 posted by administrator

May 21, 2015

April 25, 2015 was Crew Allocation Day.  Possibly one of the more exciting days I’ve experienced in a while!  It was a fantastic day of meeting our crew and really feeling like the race was coming together.  team



Here is a little snapshot of Team ClipperTelemed+ hard at work getting to know each other.  You might recognize a few Canadians in the crowd.  This year we will have 16+ Canadians onboard alongside Australian, British, American, Korean and many other nationalities.  As always, the Canadians are a multicultural group.


The stage part of the day was fun too.  There’s even a fun video of the day.

stage of skippers

Always fun to be in front of the lights and 600+ people


and to think……this isn’t everyone!

Can’t wait to get onboard ClipperTelemed+ with everyone 🙂


Mission Performance in Wales

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March 22, 2015 posted by admin

March 22, 2015
Mission Performance has undertaken a monumental task.  They certainly are more than “team builders”.  This week they are the guiding force behind our motley crew of 12 Round The World Clipper Skippers, molding us into a cohesive team or dare I say family.  Yes that’s right, although we will be pitted against each other in a race of tactics, strategy and crew leadership….we are also becoming an intricate and fully functioning team.

Our learning opportunities are beautifully set in the Welsh Brecon Beacons .  Apparently our learning involves climbing mountains and achieving the highest goals.  So to kick start our learning process we hiked up Sugar Loaf… with fully loaded backpacks.
sugar loaf

Sugar Loaf is a mere 600 meter climb up that tiny peak in the middle. The next leg of the journey included trekking down this side of it and then onward to our cabin.  I’m sure it was a hundred miles, but probably more like 3.  Near the end of our journey we arrived at the local pub for a delicious pint before our walk “up” the road to our home for the next five days.

So with beer in bellies and packs on backs we proceeded in the dark to our fuzzy warm beds.  The walk along the road was lovely.  Then we got to the “driveway”.  Half way up the driveway my calves screamed in pain.  Three quarters of the way up I honestly considered pitching a tent there and calling it a day.  Unfortunately I didn’t have a tent.

This is the infamous driveway.  Here you must note that from the top of the driveway looking down, the driveway drops off out of sight and you can’t even see the road!

Of course crazy sailors can’t just leave it at that.  The next day after some fully engaging activities, the group trekked BACK down the hill to watch the 6 Nations game in the pub, knowing that we had that impressive walk back up again!

This is going to be a fantastic experience being a Clipper Race Skipper.  Not only am I able to do what I love to do, but I’m becoming part of a fantastic and very unique team that I am proud to be a part of.
