25 Knots Into The Night

February 28, 2011 posted by admin

Evening Sunday February 27, 2011

Paul advises: Diane checked in at 5:15pm and reports that it is blowing 25kts from the east. She is averaging 10kts of speed right now and has seen 18kts surfing down waves. The thought of putting up the kite early today did cross her mind but she realized that it wasn’t worth the work and the risk.

Last night was a lot of work and once again the the drogue was deployed so that Diane could get some much needed rest. The batteries are full up and the autopilot has been doing a great job in the big seas and heavy breeze.

Her 5:15pm position is 67 miles from what she is calling the narrow part. Diane has plugged in way points to help keep her in the middle because she is saying that this section is only 15 miles wide. There will be lots of hand steering through the night in order to conserve power.

It has been very hard getting any sat signal today and she has been very busy with two reefs in the sails and a winch that had to be tightened up from all the use that it has had.

This pretty much ends the broad cast for today. Diane still sounds fine but is definitely tired.

One Response to “25 Knots Into The Night”

  1. john globemasterone Says:

    Great news. Thanks team. Go Diane.

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