Artemis Offshore Race Training

May 23, 2012 posted by admin

May 23, 2012
You probably recognize the Artemis Offshore Academy name associated with the Figaro class and the fantastic racing development they have done.  This year Artemis added Minis to their training program.  They value the benefit of training their British racers and recognize the value of doing that within the Mini class.  So….as a result of that this year saw the first running of the Artemis Mini training program.  Next year will be the second running of the training. The training camp includes racers from multiple countries, and makes for a great training platform for Artemis’ British sailors.  In the spring One Girl’s Ocean Challenge will get to be part of this training.  We’re looking forward to the training with GREAT anticipation!  The opportunity to sail and trial against other boats, get feedback and opportunity to further develop skills is absolutely ideal.  Thanks very much to Artemis for allowing us to be part of this wonderful opportunity!


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