Briefs & Laundry Night

June 3, 2011 posted by admin

6pm Thursday June 2, 2011

What an interesting day. Got out early this morning in the lighter breeze. Did lots of trouble shooting with the autopilot. The same one that gave me troubles before seems to be giving up the ghost again. Good thing I have a second pilot!

After watching PUMA head out for a practice, I went in to Fort Adams with the boat to offload all the extra stuff. By now the breeze was a solid 20 knots. After unloading, I headed off the dock and I was able to hand a bow line off to a passing power boat to hook up to a mooring ball.

After the skipper’s meeting we went out in a crash boat bring OGOC back to the dock. During the afternoon the wind has steadily picked up – too much for the crash boat to safely bring OGOC back to the dock. For now OGOC is out on that other mooring ball, and possibly for the night if the wind doesn’t calm down!

Weather and gulf stream briefing was most interesting. The gulf stream was completely different from the information that Christian Reimer (on the mini Frogger) & I had worked up earlier in the week. I would do more homework but I can’t get back to the boat until the harbourmaster tows me in at 1930 (7:30pm) tonight when the breeze is expected to drop.

Gotta find food, laundry and a shower. 😉

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