In The Gulf Stream

June 14, 2010 posted by admin

11am Monday June 14 (posted about 5pm)

Diane telephoned to report: we are definitely in the Gulf Stream from rise in the the water temperature. We are reaching with the spinnaker up. The boat is pointing due south at 180º, while making a south east course between 140º and 150º. The waves are quite rolly. The flying fish and dolphins have been keeping us company.

Warming up on Sunday, we made some tea, but then got racing and by the time we could enjoy a nice cuppa, the tea was too strong to enjoy and had cooled so much, it didn’t warm us up. Rain again last night. With stuff drying on deck again today. The freeze dried food is working out better than we expected. Peanut butter sandwiches continue to be our on board favorite.

Tim again, checking in with the Bermuda Ocean Race fleet tracking, iBoat at 4:10pm today, they were sailing south east at 5.3 knots, in north west winds of 13 knots, with lots of short choppy four foot waves setting to the south west. 447 nautical miles to Bermuda.

One Response to “In The Gulf Stream”

  1. J.Wigley Says:

    Go Diane! ABYC J24’s are cheering.

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