5:21pm Saturday February 19, 2011
Tim here. Just doing Diane’s update while she’s out on the boat. About 5:21pm Diane rounded the Miami Buoy, the start (and finish) mark of her solo circumnavigation of the Bahamas for her 1,000 nautical mile qualifying run. You can check her current position with Spot Tracker. Whoo Hoo! She’s off on another exciting installment of her adventure.
Diane put out out to sea via the narrow Biscayne Channel, which is only about 50 to 60 feet (15/18M) wide. Towards the end of the channel, the engine got swamped. With the main ready to go, and the breeze from behind, a quick hoist made for a smooth exit. Heading up the cost to the Miami Sea Buoy, the official start point of the qualifying run, Diane was dodging cruise ships and freighters “there are some pretty big ones man!”
Diane is having some keyboard troubles. Words are not always clear over a sat phone connection, but Di said something about “hose the sucker down”. Having left the hose back on land, I’m left to ponder how she’ll wash the salt water out of her keyboard, or if she’ll be washing it out the with salt water. If only her keyboard was working, Diane could send her development team an email instructing them to find a notebook sponsor. Yep that’s my attempt at humour and likely why you prefer Diane to blog directly.