Rounding Bishop Rock

May 14, 2012 posted by admin

Monday May 14

Hi there. Tim here. Blogging from a comfy chair. As Diane’s prior post mentioned, there is a strong no outside communication rule applicable to this race. Thus no satellite phone and even the SpotTracker is prohibited. Emergency communication is permitted of course. There is no news from onboard to share with this post.

That said,  is up and running. Currently, one can see the fleet is rounding Bishop Rock. I can not figure out how to get the weather overlay displayed. However, the weather reports sees yesterday’s west wind shifting to the north west. Yes, again today, Diane and Andrew are beating to weather. The times reported, are local, London, UK time, being BST, five hours ahead of Toronto. Thus, when it’s noon in London, it’s 7am in Toronto. And when it’s noon in Toronto, Diane & Andrew see 5pm.

 has a number of links for the race.  has a club wide page on their website. The has a couple of starting photos, alas missing Diane & Andrew’s photogenic contributions. ‘s page has lots of information about the race. The page has links to Twitter feeds about the race if you like Tweets.

No post is complete without a picture… The red line is the race course and the fine white line is OGOC’s track.

OCOC approaching Bishop Rock

Diane and Andrew approach Bishop Rock, Monday May 14, 4pm local time (BST).

3 Responses to “Rounding Bishop Rock”

  1. John Globemasterone Says:

    Thanks Tim. The fleet tracking gives the big picture. GO OGOC

  2. Steve Says:

    Hi Tim: What’s happened with Diane & Andrew? They appear to have abandoned the race. Do you have any word?

  3. admin Says:

    Hi Steve, and thank you for your query. The same one I’ve been looking into. Diane & Andrew have been in contact with the Coast Guard, they are OK and are making their way back to Plymouth (the start). See the new post with the available details. Tim.

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