Archive for November, 2010
November 21, 2010
What a wonderful bunch of people. Thank you for entertaining my stories last night and for your support, at your 2010 Presentation Night! It’s always so much fun to meet great people and share stories. Good luck in your 2011 sailing year!
November 19, 2010
Happy Friday Everyone!
Before we know it the and February’s racing will be upon us, so yesterday was spent pulling gear off of the mini. The failed autopilot has gone to, the bowsprit has gone to , the sails are drying out at home and the electronics are being de-salinated and debatteried! We also measured up for new and additional sheet bags for the cockpit, and also some cushions for those long long long distances! Are your boats all tucked in for the winter?
Diane 🙂
November 17, 2010
This fantastic and highly skilled is going to give Nick and I the drift calculation training and polishing off of our navigation training for February’s race. The Pineapple Cup race can be won or lost based on the currents that race around the Bahamas. Check out what else they have to offer! Stay dry in the rain today :-
November 10, 2010
See you all tonight for the presentation. Sorry, it’s for women only. If you’re coming, please click on the link and let them know by sending an email. Need to make sure that there are enough seats.
November 1, 2010
Come see us at the in January. We’ll be there with the boat and lots to tell! Thanks to the Toronto International Boat Show for giving us the space!