Archive for April, 2011

Found The Bracket!

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April 30, 2011 posted by admin

April 28, 2011

Great News!  Looks like we might be able to get the bracket from the United States!  The Rigging Shoppe is also working hard at sourcing all of the proper components for the rig and we should have all new standing rigging for Bermuda.


A New Spreader Bracket!

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April 28, 2011 posted by admin

April 27, 2011

This is the spreader bracket.  It’s my spare.  It will fit just fine, but now I need to get a new one from France or I need to find a fabricator who can make me one here.  It’s a cast piece, rather than a welded stainless piece, which makes it much trickier to get a replacement!


Time For New Standing Rigging

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April 25, 2011 posted by admin

April 24, 2011

Well it’s time for some new standing rigging!
The D4 blew 2 strands while I was in Miami, so it’s officially time to replace all of the standing rigging. While Nick was stripping it all off the mast today to go to the , we found that one of the spreader brackets is also broken straight through….hmmmmmm



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April 19, 2011 posted by admin

April 18, 2011

And the planning for Bermuda begins! It’s only five and a half weeks away! Didn’t I just get home? Hahahah


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April 15, 2011 posted by admin

April 15, 2011
Class Mini has officially sanctioned my 1000nm qualifying run in the Bahamas!  Woohoo!  Happy Friday everyone 🙂

Bermuda 1 – 2

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April 7, 2011 posted by admin

April 7, 2011

Next up on the agenda is the Bermuda 1- 2.  The race starts June 3rd, 2011.  It’s 600 nautical miles from Newport to Bermuda.  The first leg to Bermuda is single handed, and then the second leg coming back from Bermuda to Newport will be double handed.  Nick will join me for the double handed leg back.  There may be four or five minis in this race!  I’ll keep you posted as things develop.
