Archive for September, 2014

Oh Happy Day

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September 14, 2014 posted by admin

September 14, 2014

Fantastic DAY!  I completed the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean written and verbal exam……and was SUCCESSFUL!  I now officially hold the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean certification.  Oh Happy Day!



One down and One to go

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September 13, 2014 posted by admin

September 13, 2014

What a fantastic week.  The first part of this two part journey is complete.  I have successfully passed my Yachtmaster Offshore exams along with my two sailing partners Doug and Christian.  We all passed nicely and what a great bunch of guys to be on course with.  We were a fantastic cohesive and happy team through all the trials and tribulations.  Thanks guys!  So it’s back to studying for me today and tomorrow I write a three hour exam and do a two hour verbal exam to try to pass the Yachtmaster Ocean.  Celestial navigation at it’s best!


Halifax RYA

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September 6, 2014 posted by admin

September 6, 2014
Arrived in Chester Basin safe and sound. I’ve even had a little wander over to the Marina to see Michaela our fantastic Hallberg Rassy for the next week. Class starts tomorrow. I’ve been working on the local charts, doing homework and reviewing all my study work from the last two months. Even had a chance to sample some of the local cuisine!


Diane Reid