Bonne Courage Mes Amis!

April 20, 2012 posted by admin

April 20, 2012

Well it’s not for a valiant effort on several people’s part…that’s for sure.  This morning Sheila and I headed out in calmer waters to swing both computer compasses and run through full calibrations on the two pilots.  We got to the “learning” part of the calibration and it failed again.  We tried the other computer and it continued to flash “requires calibration” after being calibrated and failed.  After greater consultation at the dock with our fantastic experts at CMC Marine, as well as a local technician, we have decided that there is no way this can be rectified before tomorrow’s start.  So we have decided to be very very safe rather than very very sorry and pulled out of the race.  This is exactly the reason I wanted to come to France a year early.  We still have time to get another race in, even with this set back.  BUT, we now have two weeks to rectify the situation, or find a buddy to sail the boat to England with me if it still isn’t rectified.  The guys at CMC have also very kindly pulled in some more fantastic talent with Raymarine UK.  Good luck to all the competitors tomorrow and “Bonne Courage Mes Amis”!


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